Let’s not fight the old but create the new
We are the ones we have been waiting for
Authentic Feminine Leaders Reshape the Future

Who we are

Female Wave of Change (FWOC) is a global movement with a clear mission that intends to create a better world for all; a more connected, more conscious, more sustainable, and more humane world. We believe that we can reshape the future by using our feminine values and feminine energy. By guiding women from all walks of life to step into their Authentic Feminine Leadership we will be able to lead positive change and create a legacy to be proud of for generations to come. FWOC offers women a safe place where they can be their authentic self, be economically empowered and grow into the changemakers the world desperately needs right now. Together we actively create a more sustainable world based on human values, on compassion, on collaboration and abundance; a world where we celebrate diversity and create equal opportunities for all.


FWOC has the ambition to change the world into a better place for everyone; a more connected, more conscious, more sustainable, and more humane world. A legacy to be proud of for generations to come!


FWOC offers women from all walks of life a safe space where they can grow into Authentic Feminine Leaders and change-makers who take responsibility for their future, the future of their community and of the world.


FWOC celebrates change by inspiring women worldwide to connect online and offline, to share knowledge and experience and to initiate a wave of change around the world.

Values we live by:

Humanity is the Core

FWOC believes that humanity should be at the core of all our decision-making and actions.

Embrace Diversity

FWOC welcomes women and men from all walks of life and from all over the world, no matter their cultural background, gender, color of their skin, sexual preference, age, economic situation, religion or their educational background. We embrace diversity as an opportunity to open our minds to new perspectives; the more diverse the community, the richer the conversation. We offer each one a safe space to be their unique self, to be treated with respect and without judgement.

Inclusive Society

FWOC contributes to help build an inclusive society where everyone has equal chances and opportunities to learn, to grow and to develop their talents as an individual and as an Authentic Feminine Leader. We strive for a true sense of belonging and reject biases or discrimination in any form or for any reason.

Global Goals for Sustainable Development 2030

Female Wave of Change embraces the Global Goals for Sustainable Development 2030 and will in all her activities contribute to creating a better and more sustainable world for everyone.

Why Join Female Wave of Change?

Women join FWOC to contribute to a meaningful feminine transformation of the world by building bridges, sharing knowledge and experience, and creating new opportunities together

Future readiness

Prepare women to take control of their own future by taking on the role of leaders and changemakers, now and in the future.

High tech and high touch

Online access to knowledge, experience and people anywhere in the world, where ever you are and when ever it suits you, combined with local meetings of women coming together to connect, to grow and to create.

Think Global and Act Local

Our global vision is transformed into local events and projects.

The moment we have been waiting for is finally here! We officially launched our first Female Wave of Change Workbook “Unleashing Your Potential As An Authentic Feminine Leader“.

Our workbook is available on Amazon.

Help us make a difference!

By donating, you’ll play a crucial role in helping us reach our global goals in improving and empowering women from all walks of life, as well as their communities.